We all speak different languages right ? However, despite the language barrier, I am sure you somehow manage to enjoy a song without even knowing what it is about. As a matter of fact, although we may not understand the lyrics or the meaning of a track, there is something that make us vibe on it, and feel the emotion anyway am I right ? Well Guess what, Music Talks…
Are You Looking for That Beautiful Instrumental that will make the difference ? Nigerian Beats or Dancehall Riddims ? I guess it’s your lucky day, go ahead and check out our Instant Beat Store by clicking the link below, in order to Buy Afrobeat Instrumentals or to free download some.
It just began..
Salut Mboka c’est moi 2MANOU DEPUIS sANTIAGO dE cOMPOSTELA… çA fais un bon bout de temps que j’ écoute tes instrus et j’ aimeria que toi et moi enregistrons un maxi de 3 titres. Ceci est mon Email: 2manoufils@gmail.com
J’ attend la suite
Heey 2manou ça fait longtemps frangin, je t’envoie un mail tout de suite
Big Up